We did it! We actually did it! We packed up our home of 20 years!
What a lot of STUFF !
Some we donated. Some we tried to donate, but nobody wanted it. This made its way to the garbage pile – from where the kind people who rent from us will take it to the rubbish heaps. Thank you Jean!
We were still left with “toooooo maaatch” stuff. Everything we wanted to keep for three years were put into a large container on our property. “Put” doesn’t begin to describe the packing and re-packing and shoving and re-packing that went into that process. I honestly think that it could be very dangerous to open that container again. When Frans showed our brother-in-law the container, he remarked that: “We really are going to do this! We have passed the point of no-return. There is no way that I’m unpacking that thing!”
Frans playing Tetris to fit everything in.
I always had this idea that packing up would mean the house would look neater. It was just the opposite! It is as if you take the skin off and the insides show. All the intestines and secrets come out. Things you just didn’t want to make decisions on way back suddenly come back to stare at you. Your children’s art work (very unpractical) which Frans still insists on keeping! Projects never finished. Gadgets with no comprehensible application! Wildlife!111 We harboured so many spiders and ants and wasps and even the remains of a very dead rat!
So much to do, so little time
Camping out in our home.
Sunette and her daughter Suné came regularly to help, encourage, cry and sigh with us.
All in all, this was a very liberating process. I do think that every person needs to be faced with their home’s secret life on a regular basis.
PS. I cannot but make a special mention of the books. We own a HUGE amount of books!! We have given away sets and sets of books to various friends for safe-keeping and still managed to fill probably half the container with books. I wonder what comes first? A love of books or homeschooling???
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