Schooling aboard.

Ilha Grande is the only place where you can see penguins (cold Atlantic) together with Tropical Sea Life

At the beachfront of the village of Abraao where Marike and Franci are having the first of there many LAST Asai treats before leaving Brazil. There were many: Here at Abraao, once more at Mendos lopez beach on Marike’s birthday and eventually at Salvador where we had to stop for the engine.

Karin J at Mendos Lopez beach on the seats among the Mangroves.

All of sudden we found moths appearing at dusk. We were sure that they were coming from outside…….but……when I opened up the last package of nuts from South Africa, we realised that they were actually imported!

Marike making Peppermint Crisp Tart on her 17th Birthday.

Same day, Marike in her Birthday dress, sitting in the hammock

Franci’s foot, swollen from the mosquito bites. Ilha Grande mosquitos are vicious!

Sophia and Karin J, watching the fire, getting ready for the yummy Picanha Barbecue.

Sunrise at Ilha Grande.

Walking through Abraõ. The town is getting ready for a religious festival on the morrow.

Museum of Religious Artifacts in Paraty. Sophia, Karin J, Marike and Franci.

In Paraty. Notice the passenger on this little sailing paddleski.

Sophia and Marike scraping coconut out of a shell.

Last swim at our favourite beach.

Sunset and goodbye to Ilha Grande.
1 comment
Love living vicariously through your photos! I will just keep working double shifts at the hospital and then look at your photos and dream!!!