Us ‘en route’ to the Zoo. This is a bridge over the road that runs right past the biggest soccer stadium in Rio. (We could see it from there.)

The graffiti in Rio is abundant, but not always legal. Some are, however, and we suppose this to be one of them – rather well done. also on the way to the Zoo.

And here are some of the really strange animals we saw. The zoo was not the most well kept, but their ”common” animals, were very uncommon to us!

Have I mentioned the popsicles? You get coconut flavour! (Which is my favourite – however, all of them are nice =)

Spider Monkey – Here it looks especially weird. Their tails are like an extra finger (a strong one, mind you) and their heads look way out of proportion!

Just before the zoo, we bought a few sarongs. With them (we’re not 100% sure if they were like a ‘buy one get one free’ special or what) we received two extremely colourful beach balls.

These trees have roots that grow down from their branches, and eventually thicken the tree. We think the root tips are cut on purpose when they get too long, to prevent this from happening. (Real good to swing on, though.)
1 comment
When I was in std 2, I had to write an essay for school on an animal. My sister helped me find one I had never heard of and so I wrote mine in the tapir!! I think the teacher thought I was weird but I loved it!!! Looks like you had a super day!!