First, Sugarloaf. Because that’s where we went first. This is a SUNSET VIEW(capitals fully justified) from Sugarloaf.

This is looking back onto the first hill (there are two cable car stations) from Sugarloaf. To the left you can see Copacabana beach, and to the right, Botofogo bay.

Aunty Marisi is a Brazilian lady who went with us. She has shown us amazing hospitality and had stuffed us with delicious food 😉
There, that’s one major Rio attraction sorted out, now for the next one:
We had been advised by some friends to go as early as possible, because it gets crowded up at the statue really fast! We waited for the first clear day, and had a wonderful time ^_^
And us looking at the view=)

These photos had a trick to them. To not get anybody else except you and the statue in, you had to take the picture at an angle, so that the camera was on the ground. Everywhere you could see huddles of people with a person lying on the ground in front of them

The statue was big, but not quite as big a I thought it’d be. One really weird thing though – when you looked up at it, and the clouds moved, it really really seemed as if it was toppling over!
And thus we conclude that experience =)
Wow – These are a great set of pics. Lovingredients the epic views
Jy het pragtige fotos geneem, Marike!