16 December 2014
The Van Zyls leaving Cape Town on their yacht Shang Du to circumnavigate the globe.
Marike and Frans as we hoist our South African flag
Photos taken by the Van Harmelens as we leave the mooring

Marike and Franci with their new phones. You can see Franci is really concentrating here and Frans is disturbing her.

Karin was VERY happy. She was supposed to wait until her 13th birthday for a phone, but we made an exception.
Sunrise as seen from Shang Du. Frans was usually the only one around to witness this.

We would pick up the flying fish from the deck every morning. They taste very good. An oily texture, but with many tiny bones that make them dificult to eat.
Frans “swimming” on the aft deck
- Everyone in the cockpit as we slowly near St. Helena – of course, the autopilot wanted some attention too

A better photo of what it takes to fix the autopilot. Sophia and Karin have to keep the cubbies open, while Marike lies on her stomach to actually reach the right places. Frans works the steering and the rest give moral support.
Finally here it is possible to see our whole route from Cpe Town to St. Helena. Thank you Tiana!
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Lyk ongelooflik.
Julle is BAIE braaf. Sit nie in enigiemand se ‘broek’ om so ‘n avontuur aan te pak nie.
Soos ek ry gedurende die dag, dink ek aan alles wat mens moet voorbereid wees voor . . . . “And the list goes on . . and on . . .and on.
Ek volg so half julle toer, maar probeer assdeblief tyd en datum by alles sit . . . ek raak deurmekaar . . .
Sterkte !!!
Het julle al reg gekom met die enjine van die boot ? Start dit nou weer ? Kan julle net uit daai ‘windstil areas help’
Haai Michiel, dankie dat jy die moeite doen om ons blog te volg. Die beste manier om die blogs in volgorde te lees is om na die Archives seksie te gaan en op die maande te klik waarin jy belangstel. Die verskillende blogitems word dan in volgorde weergegee vanaf nuutste tot oudste. Ons skryf maar wanneer ons kan en pos dit in dieselfde volgorde as wat dit geskryf word. Die enjin is nognie uitgesorteer nie, maar word op die oomblik aan gewerk.
Ons het SA verlaat in Nov 2012. Atlantiese oseaan gekruis en na 33 dae Rio bereik. Op ons website is inligting oor hoe om teen Brazil se kus op te seil met koordinate gekry vanaf ‘n seiler van Brazil.
Sien uit daarna om julle te volg.
Ons het verlede seisoen die Leeward en Windward eilande van die Caribbean gedoen.
Hierdie seilseisoen doen ons BVI, USVI, Puerto Rico, Turks & Caicos asook Bahamas.
Volgende seisoen Cuba en Belize en daarna gaan ons deur Panama na Stille oceaan.
Mag julle vele veilige seemyle ervaar. Belangrikste is om dit te geniet.
Zack en Magda
Hi Frans and Karin and girls,
This is so exciting! May we follow you around the world? My kids are so excited to read about your trip! They esp. Liked tge flying fish!
Toni …..Rach Schuster sister
Of course you may follow us!!! It remains a tremendous compliment to us when people read our blog and escpecially when you take the time to comment. We remember you well.
Hallo Frans , Karin en kinders, ons is verlig om te sien julle is veilig oor die Atlantic. Klink of julle dit geniet. Sterkte