It is all the fault of my MOTHER-IN-LAW!!!!
She was born with this “thing” in her system. A little, but far reaching gene called “The Travel Bug”!
It so happens that out of her four sons I just had to choose the one on whom she bestowed this gene in it’s entirety. All of her love for travel and new places, together with the restlessness when she stays put too long, had been inherited by my husband Frans!
Oh, I knew that he wanted to sail around the world before I married him, so cannot plead ignorance. I did think that it was a kind of pipe-dream, that I could deal with this later – much later……… some mystical time in the future.
He kept on talking about it though. We even made a decision to school our children – not having any yet – on the boat. I realized that it was not going to go away and that I, like a submissive wife, better get my head around this.
My way of becoming positive about this was to tell all and sundry that we, as a family, were planning to sail around the world one day. The buzz words being that the youngest child should be around nine. We planned four children and by God’s grace we had our four daughters within 6 years.
It turned out later that it was not entirely my Mother-in-law’s fault but MY OWN doing as well. Years went by in which we were raising our children, establishing our home and happily becoming entrenched in the life of family, Church and friends. We were homeschooling with the intention of sailing, but nothing much else in the area of planning. I firmly believed though, that one day I would be expected to pack up everything and go sailing.
After we bought our yacht, my husband confided that there was a time – see above – when he didn’t think we would still do this. It was only the fact that I went about telling people that we wanted to sail around the world that made him realize he needed to do something about it. If I had known this, I would have kept my mouth firmly shut!!!!
But now, later has arrived, and God willing, we are indeed going sailing!!!
Oh this is so exciting! Thank you for sharing this experience with us! I can’t wait to read all your blogs
You are in my prayers!
Much love,
Hi Martina,
So good to hear from you!
Thank you for reading the blog. The feedback makes it really real.
I’m still finding my feet though. Sure to get better over 3 years 🙂
Karin and Family
Halo daar julle Van Zyls!!!! Ek was daar in die begin toe julle beplan het om baba 1 te hê…. toe baba 2… 3 en 4 en al die tyd was hierdie avontuur deel van die plan – van dag 1 af…… en sowaar!!!!!
Sal so lekker wees om julle net ‘n halfuur te sien!
Ons praat nog gereeld van julle – daar het so baie gebeur van ek julle laas gesien het.
Dink aan julle en bid dat alles voorspoedig sal uitwerk.
Lynnette xxx